Posts in Travel
Cusco: Where to Eat and What to Do

Cusco offers a lot in a small area. Walking around the desirable area of Cusco will take a half-day to a full-day depending on your level of enthusiasm to explore every nook and cranny of every market and street. We enjoyed the cobblestone streets and old buildings that were vastly different from busy downtown Lima. Follow along below for tips on our favorite restaurants, cafes, and shopping areas.

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Guadeloupe Travel Tips : A Tale of Two Islands

If you haven’t heard of Guadeloupe or have the faintest idea where it is, we don’t blame you - neither did we. Guadeloupe is a sun-soaked overseas French territory that is a group of islands (the main island resembles a butterfly) that lies between St John’s and Dominica. The tropical nation feels relatively untouched by tourism, which is a welcome sight for those escaping their busy concrete jungle lives. Brush up on your high-school French because it will go a long way to helping you get around and interacting with the friendly local people. Follow along below to learn about how we filled our four day + three night trip to this beautiful island.

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Sri Lanka Travel Tips : Tropical Paradise in the Indian Ocean

Sitting in the Indian Ocean lies a beautiful island that is about the size of California, otherwise known as Sri Lanka. It is a magical place that is filled with jungle hiking, fields of tea plantations, rows of fruit trees, fields of elephants, and miles of stunning beaches. Sounds magical, amrite? Get ready to start a new pin board because we are sharing our top ten favorite places in Sri Lanka that are a must on your trip.

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