Posts tagged South America
Lake Titicaca: From 1920s-Styled Railcar to Preserved Bolivian Island of the Sun

When we started to think about our South America trip I knew two things - I wanted to visit Machu Picchu and the Bolivian Salt Flats. Eoghan had done more research and mentioned Lake Titicaca and Isla Del Sol to me and I automatically said yes because they were near a body of water. Little did I know that Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake sitting at 12,500 ft above sea level and that it has crazy weather patterns - like waterspouts that suck up water from the lake in a tornado-like fashion. However Lake Titicaca and Isla Del Sol ended up being our FAVORITE part of our whole entire trip. We highly recommend taking the Peru Rail train from Cusco to Puno and then visiting Copacabana and Isla Del Sol. Let’s first dive into the train ride from Cusco to Puno.

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Cusco: Where to Eat and What to Do

Cusco offers a lot in a small area. Walking around the desirable area of Cusco will take a half-day to a full-day depending on your level of enthusiasm to explore every nook and cranny of every market and street. We enjoyed the cobblestone streets and old buildings that were vastly different from busy downtown Lima. Follow along below for tips on our favorite restaurants, cafes, and shopping areas.

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